Version 1.05 Released

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SkillZoom: Accurate competency matching tools.  Matching specific knowledge expertise to project requirements without ambiguity or unnecessary effort.  Reliable and accurate.

For Contractors and Consultants:  Rather than hire a full-time employee, sometimes a firm needs a temporary solution on a contract basis, over a finite period of time.  Independent consultants and small firms performing specialized services on a contract basis will find SkillZoom particularly useful in generating new opportunities for their particular set of competencies.  Whether you operate alone, or alongside 20 other specialists, SkillZoom provides you a way to help prospective clients find that unique set of competencies and capabilities they need. Most people don't like spending time searching for the elusive "needle in a haystack".  Clients find it refreshing when they can quickly locate firms that fulfill the exact combination of work competencies they need.   Don't overstate your firm's capabilities so that prospective customers can trust your firm as a "viable and serious bidder" for their upcoming work.

For Contractors and Consultants, SkillZoom features are similar to a specialized Buyer's Guide or Yellow Pages.  Think of it as of an "expert locator" service.  Post your specialized competencies for prospective clients to find you.  Fees for posting and advertizing your firm's consulting capabilities are very reasonable. 

Global and technologically advancing economies have routinely increased the complexity of our operating requirements.   Clients increasingly have more complex requirements for precise (and sometimes hard-to-find) combinations of talent and skills.   Let customers easily find your combined expertise: register your firm on SkillZoom!